• Question: what should i study to work in a KEMRI

    Asked by Nish to Sammy on 17 Jul 2017.
    • Photo: Sammy Wambua

      Sammy Wambua answered on 17 Jul 2017:

      Dear Nish,

      You desire to work for KEMRI indicates you are a focused student, stay focused. As the national body responsible for health research in Kenya, KEMRI conducts research in very many science disciplines. KEMRI has regional and international collaborations in its 12 centres that contribute to it’s further diversification of research and services. As such, what to study to work for KEMRI depends on what exactly you plan to do or perhaps what exactly inspired you to consider working for KEMRI.

      I suggest to be clear about what section of KEMRI you want to work with and find possibilities of talking to someone that works in the section. If your inspiration comes from KEMRI Kilifi which collaborates with Wellcome Trust internationally, I believe Grace Mwango, the one running this programme will be in a better position to help you talk to someone.

      Best of luck in your career pursuit.

