• Question: Which is the main cause of thrombosis to our health?

    Asked by Joshua Da Edwardo to Caroline on 5 Jul 2017.
    • Photo: Caroline Ogwang

      Caroline Ogwang answered on 5 Jul 2017:

      Hi Joshua,

      Deep vein thrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms in the veins that are deep in your body, often in your legs. Blood clots can be caused by anything that prevents your blood from circulating normally or clotting properly.

      Main causes of thrombosis:
      • Damage to the inner lining of a vein. These may be due to physical, chemical, or biological factors e.g surgery, serious injuries, inflammation, and immune responses.
      • Blood flow is sluggish /slow. Lack of motion can cause sluggish or slow blood flow. This may occur after surgery, if you’re ill and in bed for a long time, or if you’re traveling for a long time.
      • Your blood is thicker or more likely to clot than normal. Some inherited conditions increase the risk of blood clotting. Hormone therapy or birth control pills also can increase the risk of clotting.

      The reasons will therefore vary based on your age, gender, physical status/condition.
